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Alonzo Burnham Bragdon, Jr.



Born: Ju­ly 12, 1872, Mon­roe, Mi­chi­gan.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 5, 1918, Mon­roe, Mi­chi­gan.

Buried: Wood­land Ce­me­te­ry, Mi­chi­gan.


Alonzo was the son of Alon­zo B. Brag­don, Sr., and Ag­nes Ross, and hus­band of Ca­ro­lyn Eli­za­beth Bis­son­ette.

He was edu­cat­ed in the pub­lic schools of Mon­roe, Mi­chi­gan, gra­du­at­ing from high school in 1893.

He be­gan to sell news­pap­ers at age 11, and af­ter leav­ing school, worked as a re­por­ter un­til reach­ing le­gal age.

He then worked as ci­ty re­por­ter at the Mon­roe De­mo­crat for five years. In Ap­ril, 1900, he opened an of­fice and hand­led va­ri­ous lo­cal pa­pers, and even­tu­al­ly be­came ed­it­or of the Mon­roe Re­cord.




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