

Born: 1751, at or near Pan­na­nich (near Bal­la­ter), Ab­er­deen­shire, Scot­land.

Died: No­vem­ber 17, 1811, Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land.

Buried: Kirk­new­ton Ce­me­te­ry, Kirk­new­ton, Mid­lo­thi­an, Scot­land.


Cameron was the son of a farm­er in the par­ish of Glen­mu­ick, and a grand­son of Ca­mer­on of Glen Ne­vis.

He stu­died at Ma­ris­chal Col­lege, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ab­er­deen (MA 1770), and was or­dained par­ish min­is­ter of Kir­knew­ton in 1786.

Though not a mem­ber of the com­mi­ttee ap­point­ed by the Ge­ne­ral As­sem­bly of 1775 to re­vise the Scot­tish Trans­la­tions and Pa­ra­phras­es of 1745–51, he seems to have done the bulk of the re­vi­sions there­in.



Luke 12:42–48

Who is that servant, faithful, wise,
To highest favor that shall rise?
He whom his Lord still findeth just,
Whom, in his absence he can trust.

Blessèd is he thus faithful found!
With honors due he shall be crowned;
His master’s household shall command,
In judgment sit on his right hand.

But who shall willful disobey,
Presuming on his Lord’s delay,
His time in sloth or riot spend,
Against the clearest light offend—

He suddenly shall be surprised,
With double stripes shall be chastised;
As found unfaithful, unprepared,
He thus shall have his due reward.

Wait on the Lord, to hear His call,
Still watch, O ye His servants all!
For, at an hour, He will appear,
When least ye may expect Him near.

William Cameron
Poems on Several Occasions, 1813



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