The Cyber
C. L. S.
C. T.
Cable, George Washington
Cabrera, Juan Bautista
Cadbury, Richard Barrow
Cady, Chauncey Marvin
Caird, George Bradford
Cairns, George Robert
Cairns, Thomas
Caldbeck, George Thomas
Caldicott, Alfred James
Caldwell, C. T.
Caldwell, W. B.
Calkin, John Baptiste
Callahan, Jeremiah J.
Callan, Samuel
Callcott, William Hutchins
Callen, Samuel
Callin, Lura Warner
Calverley, Charles Stewart
Calvert, Simeon Jonathan
Calvin, John
Calvisius, Sethus
Cameron, Charles Innes
Cameron, Hugh T.
Cameron, Kate
Cameron, William
Camp, Harvey Clark
Camp, John Spencer
Camp, John T.
Camp, Mabel Johnston
Camp, Pauline Frances Bishop
Camp, Mrs. W. A.
Campanus, Johann
Campbell, Alexander
Campbell, Emma Frances Riggs
Campbell, Jane Montgomery
Campbell, John
Campbell, John Douglas Sutherland
Campbell, John P.
Campbell, Margaret Malcolm
Campbell, Robert
Campbell, Thomas
Campbell, Vera
Campion, Thomas
Canady, D. Z.
Canclini, Arnoldo
Candlyn, Thomas Frederick Handel
Cannell, Eliza C.
Cannon, N. E.
Canton, William
Capener, J.
Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius
Cappeau, Placide
Cappel, Mary J.
Card, Michael
Carden, Allen Dickinson
Carey, Adelaide Rosalthe
Carey, Henry
Cargile, A. B.
Carhart, John Wesley
Carl, William Crane
Carle, T. J.
Carley, Josiah
Carlin, J. B.
Carlson, Nathaniel
Carlson, Richard K.
Carlston, Mary
Carlton, Bruce
Carlton, Leah
Carlyle, Joseph Dacre
Carlyle, Thomas
Carman, Isaac Newton
Carmichael, Amy Beatrice
Carmichael, Mrs. H. D.
Carmichael, Ralph Richard
Carmines, Alvin Allison, Jr.
Carnell, John W.
Carnett, Ellis Lee
Carney, Julia Abigail Fletcher
Carney, Sadie
Carnes, Wiley B.
Carol, Kate
Carpenter, C. C.
Carpenter, Frank F.
Carpenter, J. W.
Carpenter, L. B.
Carpenter, William Boyd
Carr, Benjamin
Carr, George H.
Carr, J. H.
Carradine, Beverly
Carroll, A. B.
Carroll, Charles A.
Carroll, Charles H.
Carroll, Emily
Carroll, W. O.
Carrott, Livesey Kennington Read
Carruth, Ruth Johnson
Carruthers, Mollie
Carson, D. C.
Carter, B. A.
Carter, Edmund Sardinson
Carter, Ernest
Carter, James
Carter, Nathan Franklin
Carter, Nathaniel Hazeltine
Carter, Russell Kelso
Carter, S. D.
Carter, Sydney Bertram
Cartwright, Colbert Scott
Cartwright, Lin Dorwin
Cartwright, Mary J.
Cary, Alice
Cary, Phoebe
Case, Charles Clinton
Casey, D. Merritt
Casey, M. A.
Casimi, Giovammaria
Cassaday, Lillian Weaver
Cassaday, Virgil Phillip
Cassel, Elijah Taylor
Cassel, Flora Eva Hamilton
Cassell, Caroline
Cassell, William
Casson, John Hornsey
Castle, Harriet Davenport
Castle, J. M.
Castro, Pedro Iriarte
Caswall, Edward
Cates, Bill
Cates, Lewis
Cates, W. C.
Catesby, Lois
Catlin, W. E.
Caudill, Marjorie Jacob
Cawood, John
Cawthorne, George F.
C. E. B.
Cecil, Adelbert Percy
Cecil, Richard
Celano, Thomas of
Cennick, John
Cervinka, Mitch
Chadwick, Ann Lutton
Chadwick, Fannie M.
Chadwick, George Whitefield
Chadwick, James
Chadwick, John M.
Chadwick, John White
Chafee, John Gilmore
Chafer, Lewis Sperry
Chaffee, Mrs. A. F.
Chaffee, Lucy Morris
Chalfant, Harry Malcolm
Chalk, R. F.
Challinor, Frederick Arthur
Chalmers, Fred
Chalmers, James
Chamberlain, G. B.
Chamberlin, C. L.
Chambers, Brent Sinclair
Chambers, Isaiah Mench
Chambers, John David
Chambers, W. R.
Champness, C. S.
Champney, Henry D’Arcy
Champneys, Francis Henry
Chance, Mrs. A. M.
Chandler, Barney
Chandler, Charles H.
Chandler, John
Chandler, Nellie Edna Place
Chandler, S.
Chant, Laura Ormiston Dibbin
Chapek, Joseph Horgmir
Chapin, Amzi
Chapin, Lucius
Chaplin, Charles Crawford
Chapman, Anzentia Igene Perry
Chapman, Mrs. E. W.
Chapman, Emily H.
Chapman, Mrs. Emma Myers
Chapman, Esther
Chapman, John Wilbur
Chapman, Mary Lucretia
Chapman, Myers G.
Chaponnière, Francis
Charles, David
Charles, Elizabeth Rundle
Charlesworth, Vernon John
Charteris, Archibald Hamilton
Chase, Benjamin Manley
Chase, George B.
Chase, R. A.
Chase, S. M.
Chase, Winifred
Châtelanat, Charles
Chatfield, Allen William
Chatterton, Thomas
Chattle, T. G.
Cheaney, Winifred A.
Cheek, Ella Dudley
Cheeswright, Frederick Henry
Cheetam, Neal
Cheever, George Barrell
Chellis, Mary D.
Chenevix-Trench, Richard
Chenez, Charitie de
Cheney, Ednah Dow Littlehale
Cheney, Elizabeth
Cheney, Moses
Cherry, Edith Adeline Gilling
Cherryman, Myrtle Koon
Cherubini, Luigi
Chester, Henrietta Mary Goff
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
Chetham, John
Cheyney, Carrie
Chichester, Anna
Chick, Mary P. Griffin
Chidester, N. J.
Children’s Friend, The
Childress, C. L.
Childress, Walter Lomax
Childs, A. E.
Childs, Mattie
Ching, Samuel
Chirpe, Rodney
Chisholm, Thomas Obediah
Chittam, Sue Ella
Chitty, Simeon Comenius
Choate, Clara Elizabeth
Chope, Richard Robert
Chopin, Frédéric
Chord, S. H.
Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Choron, Alexandre-Étienne
Christensen, Mirian
Christiansen, Avis Marguerite Burgeson
Christiansen, Frederick Melius
Christie, Harvey Robert
Christie, M. W.
Christie, T. H. R.
Christien, Charles William Liquorice
Christy, Eli G.
Christy, Wilbur Amos
Chubb, Percival Ashley
Church, Fannie
Church, Harriet L.
Church, William, Jr.
Churton, Edward
Chute, D. M.
Chute, Marion Jean
Cidenton, A. C.
Cimarosa, Domenico
Cissna, William Everett
Clair, Mrs. Ida E.
Clapp, N. A.
Clapper, Blanche
Clare, Mary F.
Clark, Alden Hyde
Clark, Alexander
Clark, C. G.
Clark, Edward
Clark, Elizabeth Manford
Clark, Ella Southworth
Clark, Emily Vernon
Clark, F. A.
Clark, Gertrude T.
Clark, Gladys
Clark, J.
Clark, James G.
Clark, John Haldenby
Clark, L. R.
Clark, Luella
Clark, Nicholas Brum
Clark, R. P.
Clark, Susanna Rebecca Graham
Clark, T. O.
Clark, Thomas
Clark, Thomas Curtis
Clark, Viola E.
Clark, W. W.
Clark, William Henry
Clarke, Dumont
Clarke, George Raphael
Clarke, Harry Dudley
Clarke, James Freeman
Clarke, Jeremiah
Clarke, John
Clarke, Nina
Clarke, Samuel Childs
Clarkson, B. F.
Clarkson, Edith Margaret
Claudius, Matthias
Clausen, Henry Carson
Clausnitzer, Tobias
Claxton, Elizabeth
Clay, Frederic Emes
Clayton, G. F.
Clayton, Harry
Clayton, May L.
Clayton, Norman John
Clayton, William
Cleator, Alice Jean
Cleaver, T. Allen
Clement of Alexandria
Clement, Amelia
Clements, John Ralston
Clemm, James Bowman Overton
Clemmer, Lizzie R.
Clephane, Elizabeth Cecelia Douglas
Cleveland, Benjamin
Clevenger, Ernest Allen, Jr.
Clevenger, Michael Dale
Cleworth, J. Herbert
Click, D. M.
Clifford, C. L.
Clifford, James C.
Clifton, Maurice A.
Clifton, May
Clinch, Joseph Hart
Cline, Bulger Ishmael
Cline, Christopher Columbus
Cline, E. Maude
Cline, J. L.
Clingan, Martha S.
Clinton, Tracy
Clipston, J. B.
Clisbee, Edward Payson
Clock, Leenaert
Cloud, Edwin H.
Cloud, Etta
Clough, L. A.
Clouston, R. H., Jr.
Cloy, Charles V.
Cluett, John William Albert
Cluff, Samuel O’Malley Gore
Clunk, Frederick William
Clute, Morse Vandenberg
Clute, Oscar
Clyde, Jessie
Clyde, Marion
Clyne, Norval
Coates, Florence Earle
Coats, James Buchanan
Cobb, A. T., Mrs.
Cobb, Abner P.
Cobb, Gerard Francis
Cobb, Grace Elizabeth
Cobb, Thomas S.
Cobbin, Ingram
Cober, Kenneth Lorne
Coblentz, Fred
Coblentz, John
Coburn, Wallace I.
Codman, John
Codner, Elizabeth Harris
Coe, Collin
Coe, Rebecca Phoenix
Coe, William Wallace
Coelho, Terrye
Coerne, Louis Adolphe
Coffin, Charles
Coffin, E. T.
Coffin, Elizabeth J.
Coffin, Henry Sloane
Coffman, John Samuel
Coffman, Luther
Coffman, Samuel Frederick
Coghill, Anna Louisa Walker
Cogswell, Hamlin Elisha
Cohen, H.
Colburn, Cary Samuel
Colburn, H. H.
Colby, Henry Francis
Colby, Kate L.
Colby, Mary B.
Cole, Amelia Y.
Cole, Mrs. G. E.
Cole, J. P.
Cole, Jacob A.
Cole, John
Cole, Luella F.
Cole, Samuel Valentine
Cole, Warner R.
Coleman, Emmet Griffin
Coleman, Robert Henry
Coleridge, John Duke
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Coles, Abraham
Coles, Emilie Smith
Coles, George
Coles, Vincent Stuckey Stratton
Colesworthy, Daniel Clement
Colfax, T. G.
Colgan, John Roland
Coller, Charles
Collett, William Lloyd
Collier, Edward Augustus
Collier, J. A.
Collignon, Charles
Collin, Gustave A.
Collinge, Charles W.
Collins, Charles
Collins, George W.
Collins, H. C.
Collins, Henry Augustine
Collins, Mary Frances Covington
Collins, Mrs. S. A.
Collins, Warren
Collins, William Giles
Collyer, Robert
Collyer, William Bengo
Colquhuon, Frances Sara Fuller-Maitland
Colquhoun, M.
Colson, Ethel Maude
Colver, Nathaniel
Colvin, Thomas Stevenson
Combs, William Walker
Comenius, John Amos
Comfort, C. B.
Comley, James
Commuck, Thomas
Compton, Richard
Conant, Albert F.
Conant, Grace Wilbur
Conder, Eustace Rogers
Conder, George William
Conder, Josiah
Condo, Adam Byron
Conger, W. A.
Congreve, George Thomas
Coniver, William J.
Conkey, Ithamar
Conkling, Mrs. Joseph D.
Connatser, Arthur G.
Conner, Americus Wood
Conover, Howard John
Conroe, Harriet M.
Conte, Paolo
Contes, Jean Baptiste de
Converse, Charles Crozat
Converse, Frank H.
Conway, Charles
Conway, Virginia
Conwell, Russell Herman
Cook, David Caleb
Cook, E.
Cook, George Harrison
Cook, Joseph Simpson
Cook, Lorenzo
Cook, Lucia Belle
Cook, Martha Ann Woodbridge
Cook, McJ.
Cook, Russell Sturgis
Cook, Tena C.
Cook, Thomas Jefferson
Cook, Mrs. Thomas J.
Cook, W. N.
Cooke, Benjamin
Cooke, C.
Cooke, George William
Cooke, Henry
Cooke, Rose Terry
Cooke, William
Cooke, William Henry
Cooksley, W. J.
Cooley, I.
Coombes, J. H.
Coombs, Allie D. Marlatt
Coombs, Charles Whitney
Coombs, James Vincent
Coombs, William
Cooney, Rory
Coonley, L. A.
Coons, Aaron
Cooper, Cora B.
Cooper, Edward
Cooper, George
Cooper, George
Cooper, Joseph Thomas
Cooper, Lula
Cooper, William Gustin
Cooper, Winston Oliver
Coote, Constance Headlam
Coote, Maud Oswell
Cope, S. W.
Copeland, Benjamin
Copeland, Glenn
Copeland, J. M.
Copeland, Roger Alan
Copeland, William John
Copenhaver, Laura Lu Scherer
Copes, Vicar Earl
Coppage, Lewellyn Jackson
Coppee, Henry
Coppin, Levi Jenkins
Corben, Tasso
Corbet Singleton, Robert
St. John Corbett, Frederick
Corbey, S. S.
Corbin, Mrs. B. L.
Corbin, D. E.
Corelli, Arcangelo
Corelli, Marie
Corfield, Edgar T.
Corley, Marie L.
Corley, Roy H.
Corn, B. F.
Cornelius, Macon Temperance Burleson
Cornelius, Maxwell Newton
Cornelius, Rufus Henry
Cornell, John Henry
Cornell, Warren Donald
Cornwall, Barry
Cornwell, May
Cornish, F. L.
Cornish, Katherine Deacon
Cornu, Johann
Cortada, A.
Corwin, Eli
Cory, Julia Bulkley Cady
Cosidó, Mateo
Cosin, John
Cosmas the Melodist
Cosner, William Franklin
Cost, Harry
Cost, Richard Henry, Jr.
Costa, Michael Andrew Angus
Coster, Arthur Vennell
Coster, George Thomas
Cotterill, Jane Boak
Cotterill, Thomas
Cottle, Joseph
Cottman, Arthur
Cotton, George Edward Lynch
Cottrell, Roswell Fenner
Cottrill, Edward William
Cottrill, Robert Edward William
Couch, C. Marion
Couch, Rebecca Rhoda Foster
Coules, Reginald Froude
Coull, Rose Nicol
Courteville, Ralph
Courtnay, John
Couser, C. E.
Cousin, Ann Ross Cundell
Cousins, Charles C.
Coverett, D. A.
Covert, Mrs. N. B.
Cowan, Samuel Kennedy
Coward, Henry
Cowden, Robert Edmund
Cowdrey, Cecil
Cowgill, J. M.
Cowley, John
Cowper, Maria Frances Madan
Cowper, William
Cox, Christopher Christian
Cox, Frances Elizabeth
Cox, Homer L.
Cox, James
Cox, Samuel Keener
Cox, Silas L.
Coxe, Arthur Cleveland
Coyle, Campbell
Cozens, F.
Crabbe, George
Crabbe, John Grant
Craddock, Eleanor
Crafts, Frederick A.
Crafts, Wilbur Fisk
Cragin, Henry W.
Craig, Adam
Craig, Edgar
Craig, George E.
Craig, Ivy E.
Craig, R. J.
Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock
Crain, Harry Laurens
Cramer, Francis
Cramer, John Baptist
Crandall, Charles H.
Crane, Henry R.
Crane, Oliver
Crane, William Merriam
Cranfill, J. B.
Cranston, B.
Cranston, Jennie
Crashaw, Richard
Crasselius, Bartholomäus
Cravens, Rupert Thompson
Craver, Samuel Porch
Crawford, Edward Patrick
Crawford, Emily May Grimes
Crawford, Thomas
Crawley, Joseph
Creamer, Louise
Creel, Benjamin Franklin
Creighton, Mandell
Creswell, John D.
Crewdson, Jane Fox
Crider, A. J.
Cripe, Etta Swihart
Crippen, Ethel Mable Perkins
Criss, Alice Toland
Crist, Daniel Webster
Crocker, Henry
Crocker, Mary A.
Croft, William
Crofton, Edward
Crofts, George Wallen
Croll, P. C.
Croly, George
Cromwell, D. W.
Cronenwett, Emanuel
Cronic, J. C.
Crosbie, Howard Augustus
Crosbie, Robert
Crosby, Frances Jane (Fanny)
Crosby, George H.
Cross, Ada Cambridge
Cross, Allen Eastman
Cross, John
Cross, Moses Smith
Cross, Sydney
Crosscup, Harry
Crossley, J. Harry
Crossley, Thomas Hastings Henry
Crossley, William T.
Crossman, Samuel
Crosswell, William
Crotch, William
Crouch, Andraé Edward
Crouch, Annie Lee
Crouch, Sandra
Crousaz, Wilhelmina
Crousaz, William de Prelaz
Crouse, Thomas O
Crowder, Joseph Wade
Crowell, Grace Noll
Crowle, William
Crowther-Beynon, Vernon Bryan
Crozier, A. C. P.
Crozier, Maria Polly Alger
Cruce, T. Ralph
Cruciger, Elisabethe von Meseritz
Cruellas, Pedro Castro y Sebastián
Crüger, Johann
Cruickshank, Helen
Crull, August
Crum, John Macleod Campbell
Cruse, J. G. T.
Crusius, Carl F.
Crust, Carl
Crutchfield, James Allen
Cryor, Samuel S.
Cullinan, Robert George
Cullom, J. W.
Culpepper, Oscar Burke, Sr.
Culter, Mary McCrae
Cumming, Menzies
Cummings, Annie
Cummings, Augusta L.
Cummings, Luther A.
Cummings, Melville Homer, Sr.
Cummings, William Hayman
Cummins, Evelyn A. Atwater
Cummins, James John
Cuna, Rafael
Cunningham, Francis
Cunningham, John William
Cupples, Thomas R.
À Curia, Nicolaus
Curnick, Harriet S.
Curnick, Mrs. Paul C.
Currier, Mary E. Upham
Curtis, Christiantine Turner
Curtis, Gertrude Benedict
Curwen, John
Cusack, Mary F.
Cushing, William Orcutt
Custance, Arthur Frederick Musgrave
Cuthbert, Elizabeth Howard
Cuthbert, S. L.
Cutler, E.
Cutler, Henry Stephen
Cutter, William
Cutting, Arthur
Cutting, Sewall Sylvester
Cutts, Peter Warwick
Cuyler, Lyman G.
Czamanske, William Martin
Czerny, Carl