

Born: Jan­ua­ry 18, 1834.

Died: June 18, 1927, Birch­an­ger, Es­sex, Eng­land.


Henrietta was the daugh­ter of George Goff (who died in 1830 in Lau­sanne, Swit­zer­land, where he had long lived). Her an­ces­tors set­tled in Ire­land in the time of Crom­well, but the main branch of the fa­mi­ly was long es­tab­lished in Hamp­shire by the 19th Cen­tu­ry.

In 1856, Hen­ri­et­ta mar­ried Har­ry Ches­ter, As­sist­ant Sec­re­ta­ry of the Com­mit­tee of Coun­cil of Edu­ca­tion, and one of the fore­most pro­mot­ers of po­pu­lar edu­ca­tion. Hen­ri­et­ta be­came a widow in 1868.

She trans­lat­ed a num­ber of La­tin and Ger­man hymns for the 1872 Hym­na­ry, and had works pub­lished by the So­ci­ety for the Pro­mo­tion of Chris­tian Know­ledge.




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