

Born: Au­gust 12, 1921, Nor­folk, Vir­gin­ia.

Died: Ju­ly 20, 2014, Sa­ra­so­ta, Florida.


Vicar was the son of Ar­chie Vi­car Copes and Le­na Ag­nes Ear­ly, and hus­band of Lau­ra Ea­kin.

Copes was edu­cat­ed at Da­vid­son Col­lege, Da­vid­son, North Ca­ro­li­na (BA); Un­ion Theo­lo­gic­al Se­mi­na­ry, New York (MSM, BD); and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tex­as, Austin, Tex­as.

He was a mu­sic min­is­ter in Tex­as, and pro­fess­or of or­gan and church mu­sic at Hen­drix Col­lege, Con­way, Ar­kan­sas, and Cor­nell Col­lege, Mt. Ver­non, Io­wa.

He served as mu­sic ed­it­or of the Me­tho­dist Ge­ne­ral Board of Edu­ca­tion (1958–67), head­ed the de­part­ment of or­gan and church mu­sic at Birm­ing­ham South­ern College, Ala­ba­ma, and was min­is­ter of mu­sic at Can­ter­bu­ry Me­tho­dist Church, Birm­ing­ham.



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