

Born: 1846, On­ta­rio, Ca­na­da.

Died: De­cem­ber 1912, in All Saints Ca­thed­ral, Ha­li­fax, No­va Sco­tia, as he was about to per­form a bap­tism.


Crawford spent the first 23 years of his min­is­try in On­ta­rio. In 1892, he be­came rec­tor of St. Luke’s Church, and in 1907 suc­ceeded Dean Gil­pin.

In 1905, Ca­non Craw­ford was De­pu­ty Pro­lo­cu­tor of the Ang­li­can Ge­ne­ral Sy­nod for Qué­bec City. From 1907–12, he was Dean of No­va Sco­tia.


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