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William Henry Clark



Born: Ap­ril 8, 1854, Ra­cine, Wis­con­sin.

Died: No­vem­ber 8, 1925, Rome, New York.

Buried: Rome Ce­me­te­ry, Rome, New York.


William was the hus­band of El­la South­worth.

In his in­fan­cy, his par­ents re­turn­ed to their for­mer home in New York state, where his mo­ther soon died, and his fa­ther mar­ried a close friend of hers.

After Will­iam’s 1873 con­ver­sion, his step­mo­ther pre­dict­ed he would one day be a bish­op. He served the Me­tho­dist Sus­que­han­na Con­fer­ence as a pas­tor and dis­trict su­per­in­tend­ent, 1876–1919, then his step­mo­ther’s pr­edic­tion came true.

Meanwhile, he had been a mem­ber of the joint com­mis­sion of the Free and Wes­ley­an Me­tho­dist Church­es which com­piled the 1910 hym­nal, and con­trib­ut­ed some items to it.

He died in of­fice, re­quest­ing no eu­lo­gy at his fun­er­al.

