


Born: Jan­ua­ry 2, 1792, Stewk­ley, Buck­ing­ham­shire, Eng­land.

Died: May 1, 1858, New York Ci­ty.

Buried: Iv­an­dell Ce­me­te­ry, So­mers (now He­ri­tage Hills), New York.


Converted at age 13, Coles be­gan preach­ing at 22, and emi­grat­ed to Am­eri­ca in 1818.

He ed­it­ed the Chris­tian Ad­vo­cate and Jour­nal for 12 years, and the Sun­day School Ad­vo­cate for sev­er­al years. He was a mu­si­cian of some abi­li­ty, and a good sing­er.

Zion’s Her­ald said of him:

His fond­ness for the so­cie­ty of child­ren, and his fa­cul­ty of in­ter­est­ing and in­struct­ing them was ex­tra­or­din­ary.

Wherever he went, af­ter a short ac­quaint­ance, they clus­tered about him as a fa­ther, and, not by an­ec­dote, of which he had no great fund, but by orig­in­al con­cep­tions and by quest­ions and by quaint re­marks fit­ted to their ca­pa­ci­ty, he al­ways suc­ceed­ed in con­trol­ling their at­ten­tion.


