

Born: No­vem­ber 16, 1901, Spring­field, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 23, 1995, Eu­gene, Ore­gon.


Chue was raised in Ho­ly­oke, Mas­sa­chu­setts. She stu­died Am­eri­can his­to­ry and mu­sic at Mount Ho­ly­oke Col­lege, grad­ua­ted in 1922 and be­came a teach­er.

Her first po­si­tion was teach­ing mu­sic at a re­form school for girls in In­di­ana.

From 1924–33, she served as a mis­sion­ary in In­dia. She taught mu­sic in Ah­mad­ne­gar and was ac­tive in so­cial work, lang­uage st­udy and trans­la­tion.

She mar­ried Gor­don Chute Oc­to­ber 16, 1928, in Bom­bay (now Mum­bai). The cou­ple left In­dia in 1933 and lived in Ca­na­da, New Jer­sey, New York and Mas­sa­chu­setts be­fore mov­ing to Eugene, Ore­gon, in 1971.



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