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Scripture Verse

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37


Narayan Tilak (1861–1919)

Words: At­trib­ut­ed va­ri­ous­ly to Nar­ay­an V. Tilak (1861–1919) or Krish­na­rao Rath­na­ji Sangle (1834–1908). Trans­lat­ed from Ma­ra­thi to Eng­lish by Al­den H. Clark (1878–1960) & oth­ers.

Music: Ta­na Ma­na Dha­na In­di­an tune, adapt­ed by Ma­ri­on J. Chute (1901–1995) (🔊 ).

If you have the orig­in­al Ma­ra­thi ly­rics, or a better pho­to of Ti­lak, would you send us an e-mail?

Alden H. Clark (1878–1960)


Heart and mind, pos­ses­sions, Lord,
I of­fer un­to Thee;
All these were Thine, Lord;
Thou didst give them all to me.
Wondrous are Thy do­ings un­to me.
Plans and my thoughts
And ev­ery­thing I ev­er do
Are de­pen­dent on Thy will
And love alone.
I com­mit my spir­it un­to Thee.

Heart and mind, pos­ses­sions, Lord,
I of­fer un­to Thee;
Thou art the Way, the Truth;
Thou art the Life.
Sinful, I com­mit my­self un­to Thee.
Jesus Christ is fill­ing
All the heart of me.
He can give me vic­to­ry
O’er all that threat­ens me.
Jesus Christ is fill­ing all my heart.