

Born: 1839, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: 1926, North­wood, Lon­don, Eng­land

Buried: Holy Tri­ni­ty church­yard, North­wood.


Charles was the son of John Chris­tien, a school teach­er, the fa­mi­ly orig­in­at­ing from France. He was the hus­band of Ade­la Ann Ray­ner (mar­ried 1873, Don­cas­ter, South York­shire).

Charles was edu­cat­ed in Dev­on­shire, and was raised in the Church of Eng­land.

He be­came a Wes­ley­an min­is­ter in 1859, his first church be­ing at Hols­wor­thy, De­von.

His li­ter­ary work for re­li­gious jour­nals, both in Bri­tain and Am­eri­ca, was close­ly read. A num­ber of these works sur­vive in the Bri­tish Lib­ra­ry and the Ox­ford Bod­lei­an Li­bra­ry.

Christien tra­veled the cir­cuits of Eng­land, serv­ing the church for 67 years, re­tir­ing at age 84.




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