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Rose Nicol Coull


Rosina Coull


Born: Ju­ly 29, 1876, Bat­ter­sea, Sur­rey, Eng­land.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 4, 1957, Green­ock, Ren­frew­shire, Eng­land.


Coull was for ma­ny years a Sal­va­tion Ar­my (SA) of­fi­cer in Aus­tral­ia’s South­ern Ter­ri­to­ry, reach­ing the rank of ma­jor. She al­so served as an SA Di­vi­sion­al Sec­re­ta­ry, North­am Di­vi­sion, in West­ern Aus­tral­ia, and in the East Di­vi­sion in Mel­bourne.

After re­tir­ing, she mar­ried a for­mer SA band­mas­ter from Ham­il­ton, Scot­land, moved to Scot­land, and worked in the SA Dun­oon Corps.

Her works ap­peared in the SA Mu­sic­al Sal­va­tion­ist, 1912–40.



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