

Born: Sep­tem­ber 21, 1844, Li­ver­pool, Eng­land.

Died: Ap­ril 22, 1918, Hay­wards Heath, West Sus­sex, Eng­land.


Of Scot­tish par­ent­age, Cros­bie was the hus­band of Ell­en Ara­bel­la Scott (mar­ried 1885).

He was edu­cat­ed at a pri­vate school un­der W. Clay­ton Greene, and at Tri­ni­ty Col­lege, Cam­bridge (Foun­da­tion Scho­lar 1866, BA 1867, 26th Wrang­ler in the Ma­the­ma­ti­cal Tri­pos, third class in the Theo­lo­gic­al Tri­pos, MA 1870).

He was or­dained a dea­con in 1867, and priest the fol­low­ing year by Bi­shop Lee of Man­ches­ter.

He served as curate of Ha­berg­ham Eaves, Burn­ley, Lan­ca­shire (1867–75); Birch­in, Rus­holme, Man­ches­ter (May 1875–No­vem­ber 1876); cur­ate in charge of Bam­ber Bridge, Lan­ca­shire (1876–Au­gust 1878); vi­car of Miln­row, Roch­dale (1878–83); pre­sent­ed to Trump­ing­ton, Cam­bridge, 1885; in March 1891 vi­car of Builth and per­pe­tu­al cur­ate of Llan­ddew’ir-Cwm, Wales, both Eng­lish speak­ing par­ish­es.

He was an ama­teur mu­si­cian, and com­posed ma­ny hymn tunes.



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