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Tobias Clausnitzer




Born: Feb­ru­ary 2, 1619, Thum (south of Chem­nitz), Sax­ony.

Died: May 7, 1684, Wei­den, Up­per Pa­la­tine.


After st­udy­ing at va­ri­ous uni­ver­si­ties, and fin­al­ly at Leip­zig (MA 1643), Claus­nit­zer was ap­point­ed chap­lain to a Swed­ish re­gi­ment in 1644.

In that position, he preached the thanks­giv­ing ser­mon in St. Tho­mas’ Church, Leip­zig, on Re­mi­nis­ce­re Sun­day (se­cond Sun­day in Lent), 1645, on the ac­cess­ion of Chris­ti­na as Queen of Swe­den.

He al­so de­liv­ered the thanks­giv­ing ser­mon at the field ser­vice held by com­mand of Ge­ne­ral Wran­gel, at Wei­den, in the Up­per Pa­la­tine, January 1, 1649, af­ter the con­clu­sion of the Peace of West­pha­lia.

In 1649, Claus­nit­zer was ap­point­ed first pas­tor at Wei­den. He stayed there un­til his death (he was al­so ap­point­ed lat­er a mem­ber of the Con­sis­to­ry, and in­spect­or of the dis­trict).



Help Needed

If you know Claus­nit­zer’s bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?