Scripture Verse

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8


Tobias Clausnitzer

Words: To­bi­as Claus­nit­zer, in the Alt­dorf­lisch­es Ge­sang-Buch­lein, 1663, num­ber 20 (Lieb­ster Je­su, wir sind hier). Adapt­ed by George R. Wood­ward, Songs of Sy­on, 1904.

Music: Lieb­ster Je­su Jo­hann R. Ahle, 1664 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Wood­ward or Ah­le (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Dearest Je­su, we are here,
At Thy call, Thy pre­sence own­ing;
Pleading now in ho­ly fear
That Thy sac­ri­fice aton­ing;
Word in­car­nate, much in won­der
On this mys­te­ry deep we pon­der.

Under forms of bread and wine
Simple hearts in faith adore Thee:
Born of Ma­ry, Son di­vine,
Low we bow the knee be­fore Thee
Opening heart alike and cof­fer,
Body, soul, to Thee we of­fer.

Jesu, strong to save—the same
Yesterday, to­day, for ever—
Make us fear and love Thy name,
Serving Thee with best en­dea­vor;
In this life, O ne’er for­sake us,
But to bliss here­af­ter take us.

The Emmaus Disciples
Abraham Bloemaert (1564–1651)