Sandy Coverett




Sandy was raised in a Bap­tist fa­mi­ly in Galt, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da, and was the hus­band of Els­peth Drink­wa­ter of Pres­ton, On­tar­io (mar­ried 1963).

After se­ver­al years in in­dus­try and man­age­ment po­si­tions, he be­gan stu­dies for and train­ing in pas­tor­al ministry.

Following a ser­ies of health prob­lems that pre­clud­ed con­tin­uing tow­ard min­is­try as a vo­ca­tion, he felt led to be­come an ele­men­ta­ry school teach­er, with a spe­cial af­fi­ni­ty for dif­fi­cult stu­dents, both in se­gre­gat­ed class­rooms, and in the re­gu­lar class­es in the system.

He also de­vot­ed much time to Chris­tian camp­ing for child­ren and young people, as well as other in­volve­ment in church af­fairs.

He had a life-long love af­fair with the Eng­lish lang­uage, par­ti­cu­lar­ly po­et­ry and the old hymn tunes. A self-described word­smith, he en­joyed writ­ing of any kind that served a pur­pose, and al­so dabbled with gra­phic arts for non­pro­fit pur­pos­es.

As of 2006, he and his wife were liv­ing in Vic­tor­ia, Brit­ish Co­lum­bia.
