Scripture Verse

Deliver my feet from falling. Psalm 56:13


Words: D. A. San­dy Cov­er­ett, 2006 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Lan­gran James Lan­gran, first pub­lished in a leaf­let in 1861, then in Psalms and Hymns Adapt­ed to the Ser­vic­es of the Church of Eng­land, by John Fos­ter, 1863 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Lan­gran (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

D. A. Coverett (1935–)


For this New Year we hum­bly ask Your grace;
Help us to al­ways see Your lov­ing face
Shining up­on us, bring­ing peace with­in,
Keeping our feet from paths of mor­tal sin.

Dear Lord, we ask that we would al­ways be
Open to You, and that all men may see
In how we treat them that we’ve made a pact.
To let Your love shine through our ev’ry act.

Within our fam’lies may we know Your peace;
As we share mo­ments let our love in­crease.
Teach us to share with those we tru­ly love
As we would do so in that home above.

Now for Your church, Lord,
We would give You thanks,
All kinds of people mak­ing up her ranks;
Help her be true in all she longs to do
That ev’ry act shall praise and hon­or You.

For this Your world, dear Lord, we beg You now
Beat ev’ry sword blade in­to hum­ble plow;
We seek that peace that we can help to bring
When we ack­now­ledge You as Lord and King.

For me, O Lord, this too I simp­ly ask;
Help me to not shirk my ap­point­ed task,
Teach me to trust, Lord, walk­ing day by day,
In sim­ple faith that You show me Your way.