

Born: March 18, 1789, Clap­ham, Sur­rey, Eng­land.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 22, 1871, Brigh­ton, East Sus­sex, Eng­land.

Buried: St. And­rew’s Church, Hove, Sus­sex, Eng­land.


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Charlotte was the grand­daugh­ter of Hen­ry Venn, min­is­ter at Huddersfield, West York­shire, and au­thor of The Com­plete Du­ty of a Man, and friend and com­pan­ion of John Wes­ley.

Eling, a daugh­ter of Mr. Venn, marr­ied Charles El­lio­tt of Brigh­ton, and Char­lotte was the third of their six child­ren.

Two of her bro­thers be­came cler­gy­men, two of her sis­ters died young, and she lost her fa­ther in 1833. Up­on the death of her mo­ther in 1843, her home was brok­en up, and short­ly af­ter she and her on­ly sur­viv­ing sis­ter went to the con­ti­nent.

Finally they set­tled in Tor­quay, Eng­land, and lived there 14 years. Af­ter that, she re­turned to Brigh­ton, which she ne­ver again left ex­cept once for a short time. Char­lotte be­came an in­va­lid around age 30, and re­mained so the rest of her life. About her phy­si­cal con­di­tion, she wrote:

My Hea­ven­ly Fa­ther knows, and He alone, what it is, day af­ter day, and hour af­ter hour, to fight against bo­di­ly feel­ings of al­most ov­er­pow­er­ing weak­ness and lan­guor and ex­haust­ion, to re­solve, as He en­ables me to do, not to yield to the sloth­ful­ness, the de­pres­sion, the ir­ri­ta­bi­li­ty, such as a bo­dy caus­es me to long to in­dulge, but to rise ev­ery morn­ing de­ter­mined on tak­ing this for my mot­to, If any man will come af­ter Me, let him de­ny him­self, take up his cross dai­ly, and fol­low Me.

Elliott had an on­go­ing spir­it­ual cor­res­pon­dence with Cé­sar Ma­lan, and wrote about 150 hymns.


