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Daniel Silvan Evans




Born: Jan­ua­ry 11, 1818, Llan­arth, Ce­re­di­gi­on, Wales.

Died: Ap­ril 12, 1903.

Buried: Ce­maes church­yard, An­gle­sey.


Daniel was the son of Silvanus and Sar­ah Evans, and husband of Mar­ga­ret Wal­ters.

He was edu­cat­ed at Tho­mas Phil­lips’ school at Neu­addl­wyd (1838–40) and Bre­con In­de­pen­dent Col­lege (a short stay be­gin­ning in 1840). He then taught school for about five years.

After mar­ry­ing Mar­ga­ret, he joined the Ang­li­can church, and in 1845 en­tered Saint Da­vid’s Col­lege, Lam­pe­ter, where he be­came Lec­tur­er in Welsh in 1847.

He left Lam­pe­ter in 1848, was or­dained a dea­con, and be­came cur­ate of Llan-degwning in Llŷn.

He was or­dained an Ang­li­can priest in 1849, and in 1852 became cur­ate in Llangian in Llŷn, where he stayed for a de­cade.

In 1862 he was pre­sent­ed to the liv­ing of Lla­nym­mawdd­wy, Mach­ynlleth.

His fi­nal as­sign­ment was to Llan­wrin in 1876, where he spent the rest of his life.




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