


Born: Ju­ly 14, 1879, Nas­sau, Ba­ha­mas.

Died: Oc­to­ber 27, 1930, As­bu­ry Park, New Jer­sey, af­ter an ac­ci­dent par­a­lyzed him.

Buried: Pine Lawn Me­mo­ri­al Park, East Farm­ing­dale, New York.



Orphaned as an in­fant, Far­ring­ton was sent to Bal­ti­more, Ma­ry­land, and learned his fa­mi­ly name on­ly years later af­ter meet­ing rel­a­tives at school in Will­iams­port, Penn­syl­van­ia.

He stu­died at Dick­in­son Se­mi­na­ry, Sy­ra­cuse Uni­ver­si­ty (play­ing foot­ball and bas­ket­ball there, gra­du­at­ing in 1907), Bos­ton Uni­ver­si­ty, and Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty.

In World War I, he served as ath­le­tic di­rect­or for French troops, for which he re­ceived the Bre­vet du Cui­ras­si­ers de 1ère Classe Hon­or­aire.

He was lat­er or­dained a Me­tho­dist min­is­ter, serv­ing church­es in New York and New Eng­land. From 1920–23, he was pas­tor of the Grace Me­th­odist Church in New York Ci­ty. He then be­came edu­ca­tion di­rect­or for the Me­tho­dist Church Wel­fare Lea­gue.

His works in­clude about 30 hymns.

