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Scripture Verse

Rescue me and deliver me in Your righteousness. Psalm 71:2


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Har­ry W. Far­ring­ton, 1921.

Music: Me­li­ta John B. Dykes, 1860 (🔊 ).

Harry W. Farrington


Strong, right­eous Man of Ga­li­lee,
Robed with Thy peace we fol­low Thee:
In tem­ple court, Thy cleans­ing rod;
On Pha­ri­sees, the scorn of God.
Robed with Thy peace we fol­low Thee,
Strong, right­eous Man of Ga­li­lee.

Firm, peace­ful Man of Ga­li­lee,
Girt with Thy strength we fol­low Thee:
Not to re­venge, but heal and pray,
To turn the cheek and trib­ute pay:
Girt with Thy strength we fol­low Thee,
Firm, peace­ful Man of Ga­li­lee.

Calm, suf­fer­ing Man of Ga­li­lee,
Clad in Thy grace we fol­low Thee:
Love at the well, share Mar­tha’s loss,
Forgive the nails, and take the cross.
Clad in Thy grace we fol­low Thee,
Calm, suf­fer­ing Man of Ga­li­lee.

God’s peace­ful Man of Ga­li­lee,
Love’s tri­umph, we shall fol­low Thee:
To crum­ble ev­ery boun­da­ry wall,
Build high­ways to the hearts of all.
Love’s tri­umph, we shall fol­low Thee,
God’s peace­ful Man of Ga­li­lee.