Rescue me and deliver me in Your righteousness.
Psalm 71:2
Words: Harry W. Farrington, 1921.
Music: Melita John B. Dykes, 1860 (🔊
Strong, righteous Man of Galilee,
Robed with Thy peace we follow Thee:
In temple court, Thy cleansing rod;
On Pharisees, the scorn of God.
Robed with Thy peace we follow Thee,
Strong, righteous Man of Galilee.
Firm, peaceful Man of Galilee,
Girt with Thy strength we follow Thee:
Not to revenge, but heal and pray,
To turn the cheek and tribute pay:
Girt with Thy strength we follow Thee,
Firm, peaceful Man of Galilee.
Calm, suffering Man of Galilee,
Clad in Thy grace we follow Thee:
Love at the well, share Martha’s loss,
Forgive the nails, and take the cross.
Clad in Thy grace we follow Thee,
Calm, suffering Man of Galilee.
God’s peaceful Man of Galilee,
Love’s triumph, we shall follow Thee:
To crumble every boundary wall,
Build highways to the hearts of all.
Love’s triumph, we shall follow Thee,
God’s peaceful Man of Galilee.