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Manie Payne Ferguson


Manie Payne


Born: March 26, 1850, Car­low, Coun­ty Car­low, Ir­eland.

Died: June 8, 1932, Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.

Buried: Santa Bar­ba­ra Ce­me­te­ry, San­ta Bar­ba­ra, Ca­li­for­nia.



Manie was the wife of Theo­dore Pol­lock Fer­gu­son.

In 1886, she and her hus­band found­ed a mis­sion in Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia. This ev­en­tu­al­ly ex­pand­ed in­to what was known as the Pe­ni­el mis­sions along the West Coast of Am­eri­ca, and in Af­ri­ca, As­ia, South Am­eri­ca, and else­where.

The main focus of the mis­sions, es­pe­cial­ly in lat­er years, was min­is­try to sin­gle wo­men. In 1947, the Pe­ni­el Mis­sion became a part of the World Gos­pel Mis­sion.

In 1998, the West Coast USA Pe­ni­el Mis­sions ex­pe­ri­enced a sig­ni­fi­cant change when the ma­jo­ri­ty of Pe­ni­el mis­sion­ar­ies re­signed and went to work for Ci­ty Team Min­is­tries, leav­ing the Pe­ni­el Mis­sion in Stock­ton, Ca­li­for­nia, the re­main­ing Am­eri­can Pe­ni­el Mis­sion af­fi­li­at­ed with the World Gos­pel Mis­sion.


