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Scripture Verse

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, Peace! Be still! Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. Mark 4:38–39


Words: Ma­nie P. Fer­gu­son, 1904.

Music: Le­an­der L. Pick­ett (🔊 ).

Manie P. Ferguson


Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606–1669)

Galilee’s wa­ters are rag­ing,
On them a ves­sel is tossed;
Seamen in ter­ror are call­ing,
Carest Thou not, we are lost?
Sweetly asleep on a pil­low,
Maker and Sav­ior He lay;
Wild with dis­may they awake Him,
Master, we per­ish, they say.


Speak thro’ the storm when the bil­lows run high,
Say to my soul, Do not fear, it is I;
Speak thro’ the storm when the bil­lows run high,
Say to my soul, Do not fear, it is I

Over the noise of the tem­pest,
Over the dash of the wave,
Rings the sweet voice of the Sav­ior;
See, He is migh­ty to save;
Calmed in a mo­ment the bil­lows,
Hushed in an in­stant to sleep,
Stilled is the roar of the wild winds,
Steadied their boat on the deep.


Wonderful Je­sus, I need Thee,
Out in the storm and the strife,
Oft it has seemed I was sink­ing,
Tossed on the ocean of life;
Speak to the winds and the wa­ters,
Each Thy be­hest must ful­fill;
Speak to my heart in the tem­pest,
Whispering soft­ly, Be still.;


When I am toil­ing in row­ing,
Almost en­gulfed in the sea,
Make of the bil­lows a path­way,
Come thro’ the dark­ness to me;
Failures and ter­rors will van­ish,
Soon as I know Thou art nigh;
Say to my soul in the dan­ger,
Be not afraid, it is I.;


Waters un­known are await­ing
Travelers leav­ing earth’s shore;
Back to this side of the riv­er,
Passengers come nev­er­more;
O when that chill tide is bring­ing
Boatmen to bear me away,
Galilee’s Con­qu’ror, be with me;
Pilot me ov­er, I pray.
