


Born: Feb­ru­ary 27, 1859, Burns­ville, Mis­sis­sip­pi (near Iu­ka).

Died: May 9, 1928, Mid­dles­bo­ro, Ken­tuc­ky.

Buried: Wil­more Ce­me­te­ry, Wil­more, Ken­tuc­ky.



Leander was the son of James Coch­ran Pick­ett and Sar­ah Vill­ers Walk­er. He marr­ied twice, to Pruvy Mel­vi­ney Mar­tha Do­rough (1878), and Lu­die Car­ring­ton Day (1888).

A Me­tho­dist ev­an­gel­ist, he held meet­ings in a num­ber of states and at Ho­li­ness camp­grounds. He and Lu­die served in north­east Texas; Co­lum­bia, South Ca­ro­li­na; and pos­si­bly else­where, be­fore set­tling in Wil­more, Ken­tucky.

The two of them were pro­mi­nent loc­al play­ers in the found­ing of As­bu­ry Col­lege in Wil­more in 1890, and Le­an­der served as the fi­nan­cial agent of the board of trust­ees for ma­ny years. The Pick­etts al­so helped by board­ing min­is­try stu­dents from As­bu­ry, among whom was mis­sion­ary E. Stan­ley Jones.

In 1905, a stu­dent pray­er meeting at the Pick­ett home spilled out to the As­bu­ry cam­pus in a re­vi­val that spread around the town of Wi­lmore.

Perhaps the Pick­etts’ great­est gift to the world was their son, J. Was­kom Pick­ett, who at­tend­ed As­bury Col­lege and be­came a mis­sion­ary to In­dia, ris­ing as high as Bi­shop of the Me­tho­dist Church in In­dia.



