Scripture Verse

Whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath eternal life. John 6:54


Leander L. Pickett (1859–1928)

Words: Al­bert B. Simp­son, in Tears and Tri­umphs, ed­it­ed by Le­an­der Pic­kett, Mar­tin W. Knapp & John R. Bry­ant (Co­lum­bia, South Ca­ro­li­na: L. L. Pic­kett, 1894), num­ber 21.

Music: Le­an­der L. Pic­kett (🔊 pdf nwc).

Albert B. Simpson (1843–1919)


I have learned the won­drous secret
Of abid­ing in the Lord;
I have found the strength and sweet­ness
Of con­fid­ing in His word;
I have tast­ed life’s pure fount­ain,
I am drink­ing of His blood,
I have lost my­self in Je­sus,
I am sink­ing in­to God.


I’m abid­ing in the Lord,
And con­fid­ing in His word,
And I’m hid­ing, safe­ly hid­ing,
In the bo­som of His love.

I am cru­ci­fied with Je­sus,
And He lives and dwells in me;
I have ceased from all my strug­gling,
’Tis no long­er I, but He;
All my will is yield­ed to Him,
And His spir­it reigns with­in;
And His pre­cious blood each mo­ment,
Keeps me cleansed and free from sin.


All my cares, I cast up­on Him,
And He bears them all away;
All my fears and griefs I tell Him,
All my needs from day to day;
All my strength I draw from Je­sus,
By His breath I live and move;
E’en His ve­ry mind He gives me,
And His faith, and life, and love.


For my words I take His wis­dom,
For my works His Spir­it’s pow­er,
For my ways His gra­cious pre­sence,
Guards and guides me ev­ery hour;
Of my heart He is the por­tion,
Of my joy the cease­less spring,
Savior, sanc­ti­fi­er, keep­er,
Glorious Lord and com­ing King.
