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Scripture Verse

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31


Leander Pickett (1859–1928)

Words: James B. Ken­yon, 1906 (verse 4 by Le­an­der L. Pick­ett).

Music: C. C. Green­wood (🔊 ).

If you know Green­wood’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Ken­yon (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Pick­ett, would you send us an e-mail?


Long mine eyes were drowned in tears,
And my soul was filled with fears,
And I heed­ed not the swift­ly pass­ing years;
For thro’ many a wea­ry day,
O’er a long and des­ert way
From the fold of Christ, my Shep­herd, I did stray.


Hallelujah! Je­sus saves me,
And my head is sweet­ly pil­lowed on His breast;
Hallelujah, hal­le­lu­jah!
His shekinah cov­ers me and I am blest.

Now I doubt and fear no more,
All my heart with bliss runs o’er,
And I can but love Him, praise Him and ad­ore;
Skies ab­ove me nev­er low­er,
Bright is ev­ery fleet­ing hour,
And I sing the day of Je­sus’ migh­ty pow­er.


O how pre­cious is His grace!
O to come to that fair place
Where our souls may drink the light of His dear face!
There be­fore His shin­ing seat
All his saint­ed ones shall meet,
Casting down their crowns be­fore His pierc­èd feet.


Will you join us, bro­ther dear,
While His voice of love and cheer
Now is call­ing you—O hast­en to His side;
Every day you wait is lost,
Sad will be the fear­ful cost,
If you blind­ly spurn at last the Cru­ci­fied.
