Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!
Luke 24:5–6
Words: Carl B. Garve, 1825 (Hallelujah, Christus lebt). Translated from German to English by Jane L. Borthwick, Hymns from the Land of Luther, fourth series, 1862.
Music: Fred til Bod Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1871 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Garve or Borthwick (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Hallelujah! Jesus lives!
He is now the Living One;
From the gloomy halls of death
Christ, the Conqueror, has gone,
Bright forerunner to the skies
Of His people, yet to rise.
Jesus lives! Why do you weep?
Why that sad and mournful sigh?
He who died our brother here
Lives our brother still on high.
Lives forever to bestow
Blessings on His church below.
Jesus lives! And thus, my soul,
Life eternal waits for you;
Joined to Him, your living head,
Where He is, you shall be, too;
With the Lord, at His right hand,
As a victor you shall stand.
Jesus lives! Let all rejoice.
Praise Him, ransomed of the earth.
Praise Him in a nobler song,
Cherubim of heavenly birth.
Praise the victor King, whose sway
Sin and death and hell obey.
Jesus lives! To Him my heart
Draws with ever new delight.
Earthly vanities, depart,
Hinder not my heavenward flight.
Let this spirit ever rise
To its magnet in the skies.
Hallelujah! Angels, sing!
Join with us in hymns of praise.
Let your chorus swell the strain
Which our feebler voices raise;
Glory to our God above
And on earth His peace and love!