

Born: Jan­ua­ry 24, 1763, Jein­sen, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: June 21, 1841, Herrn­hut, Ger­ma­ny.


Son of a farm­er, Garve was edu­cat­ed at the Mo­ra­vi­an schools in Zeist, Ne­ther­lands, and Neu­wied, at their Pä­da­go­gi­um at Nies­ky, and their se­mi­na­ry at Bar­by.

In 1784 he was ap­point­ed a tu­tor at Nies­ky, and in 1789 at Bar­by. But as his phi­lo­so­phi­cal lec­tures were un­set­tling, he was sent in 1797 to ar­range the do­cu­ments of the ar­chive at Zeist.

After or­di­na­tion as dia­co­nus of the Mo­ra­vi­an church, in 1799 he was ap­point­ed preach­er at Am­ster­dam; in 1801 at Eb­ers­dorf (where he was al­so in­spect­or of the train­ing school); in 1809 at Ber­lin; and in 1816 at Neu­sal­za an der Oder (now No­wa Sól, Po­land).

Feeling the bur­den of years and in­fir­mi­ties, he left the ac­tive min­is­try in 1836 and re­tired to Herrn­hut.




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