

Born: Ap­ril 26, 1858, Frank­fort, New York.

Died: May 10, 1924, New York Ci­ty.

Buried: Fair­view Ce­me­te­ry, Black Brook, New York.


James was the hus­band of Mar­ga­ret J. Tay­lor (mar­ried 1878), and fa­ther of ac­tress Dor­is Ken­yon.

Doris’ ci­ne­ma cred­its in­clude the 1924 film Mon­sieur Beau­caire, in which she starred with Ru­dolph Val­en­ti­no.

In 1924 a new­born girl, Dor­is Kap­pel­hoff, was named af­ter Dor­is Kenyon. Kap­pel­hoff grew up to be a sing­er and ac­tress, and took the stage name Dor­is Day.

James Ken­yon gra­du­ated from the Hun­ger­ford Col­le­gi­ate In­sti­tute in Ad­ams, New York, in 1875.

He en­tered the Me­tho­dist min­is­try in 1878, and held va­ri­ous pas­tor­ates, in­clud­ing Tri­ni­ty Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Church, Os­we­go, New York; and First Me­tho­dist Church, Sy­ra­cuse, New York.

He was not­ed for his li­ter­ary gifts, and Sy­ra­cuse Uni­ver­si­ty con­ferred a Doc­tor of Li­te­ra­ture and Let­ters de­gree on him in 1892.

Kenyon re­tired in 1916, and be­gin­ning around 1920, worked with dic­tion­ary and en­cy­clo­pe­dia firms.




Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ken­yon (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),