

Baptized: Ja­nu­ary 12, 1776, St. An­drew’s, Ply­mouth, Eng­land, where his fa­ther was vi­car.

Died: De­cem­ber 25, 1851, Ken­sing­ton, Lon­don.


Samuel was the son of John and Mar­ga­ret Gan­dy.

He was a King’s Schol­ar at Eton in 1788, and an as­sist­ant there, 1800–03.

He was ad­mit­ted as a schol­ar at King’s Col­lege, Cam­bridge, July 28, 1795 (BA 1800, MA 1803, fel­low 1798–1817).

He served as min­is­ter at East Stone­house (now part of Ply­mouth), and vi­car at St. Bu­deaux Par­ish Church, Ply­mouth (1802–17), and at King­ston-up­on-Thames, from Jan­ua­ry 1817 un­til his death.

The Rev T. Lud­lam pub­lished his ex­po­si­tions and ser­mons in 1859 (the ser­mons date 1827–42).



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