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Caroline Howard Gilman



Born: Oc­to­ber 8, 1794, Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 15, 1888, Wash­ing­ton, DC.

Buried: Uni­ta­ri­an Church Ce­me­te­ry, Charles­ton, South Ca­ro­li­na.




Caroline was the daugh­ter of Bos­ton ship­wright Sam­uel How­ard (one of the In­di­ans from the 1773 Bos­ton Tea Par­ty), and wife of Sam­uel Gil­man (mar­ried 1819)

Despite a poor for­mal ed­uc­at­ion, she taught her­self and was grant­ed ac­cess to the per­son­al lib­ra­ry of her neigh­bor, Gov­er­nor El­bridge Ger­ry (from whose name comes the term ger­ry­man­der­ing).

After mar­riage, she and her hus­band moved to Charles­ton, South Ca­ro­li­na.

In 1832, she found­ed The Rose Bud, one of the first Am­eri­can week­lies for young peo­ple. It was re­named The South­ern Rose Bud in 1833, The South­ern Rose in 1835, and ceased pub­li­ca­tion in 1839.

After her hus­band’s death in 1858, she stayed in Charles­ton dur­ing the Am­eri­can ci­vil war, and lat­er lived in Cam­bridge, Mas­sa­chu­setts, then in Ti­ver­ton, Long Is­land, New York.


Howard wrote sev­er­al tales, ball­ads, and po­ems. Her other works include:

