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John W. T. Givens

Early 20th Century


This au­thor is prob­ab­ly John Wes­ley Ty­ler Give­ns (1870–1967), who is bur­ied in Fair­view Ce­me­te­ry, Bowl­ing Green, Ken­tuc­ky. Ra­tion­ale:

  1. The grave in Fair­view Ce­me­tery is of a Ba­ptist min­is­ter. Dy­ing Mill­ions first ap­peared in a song book pub­lished by the Am­eri­can Bap­tist Pub­lish­ing So­ci­ety.
  2. The Ken­tuc­ky Mu­se­um Lib­ra­ry has an on­line re­cord for John Wes­ley Ty­ler Giv­ens that lists hymns and po­et­ry in the sub­jects in­clud­ed in the col­lect­ion.
  3. The tomb­stone in Fair­view Ce­me­te­ry has an ad­di­tion­al name, Ed­win Giv­ens (1898–1928) (a son?), des­cribed as a Gos­pel sing­er.
  4. A John W. T. Giv­ens read from a po­em he wrote, at clos­ing ex­er­cis­es held Ja­nu­ary 30, 1933, in the cha­pel of Beth­el Col­lege, Rus­sell­ville, Ken­tuc­ky.



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