

Born: March 15, 1679, Pfull­ing­en, Würt­tem­berg, Ge­rm­any.

Died: Oc­to­ber 12, 1707, prob­ab­ly at Schwarz­en­au (near Bad Ber­le­berg), Ger­ma­ny.


Gmelin stu­died at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tüb­ing­en, where he gra­du­at­ed in 1697 and be­came a lec­tur­er in 1700.

In 1705, he was ap­point­ed as­sist­ant pas­tor in Herr­en­berg. There he as­so­ci­at­ed him­self with the Se­pa­ra­tists. He de­nounced the Church as world­ly and as re­quir­ing a mere out­ward pro­fess­ion. He ob­ject­ed to in­fant bap­tism, and de­part­ed from the view of the Church on the in­ter­me­di­ate state, the mil­len­ni­al reign, and on the re­con­ci­li­ation of all things. For these teach­ings he was dep­osed in 1706.

After liv­ing for a while in Dör­ten­bach, near Calw, he re­tired to Witt­gen­stein, and fi­nal­ly to Schwarz­en­au.



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