

Born: De­cem­ber 23, 1829, Lei­ces­ter, Eng­land.

Died: March 16, 1889, Not­ting­ham, Eng­land.


Frederic was the son of Bap­tist min­is­ter Jo­seph Goad­by, and bro­ther of Fred­er­ic Goad­by.

He stu­died for the min­is­try at the Bap­tist Col­lege, Lei­ces­ter, and at Glas­gow Uni­ver­si­ty (BA 1856).

He was suc­cess­ive­ly pas­tor of Bap­tist church­es in Co­ven­try, Lon­don and Der­by. In 1873, he was ap­point­ed Pre­si­dent of Chil­well Col­lege (lat­er named the Not­ting­ham Bap­tist Col­lege).


Goadby con­trib­ut­ed ma­ny pa­pers to news­pa­pers, re­views, and oth­er pe­ri­od­ic­als, and pub­lished sev­er­al ser­mons and ad­dresses de­liv­ered on pub­lic oc­cas­ions, 1860–81.

In 1884, he pub­lished Re­ve­la­tion, Its Na­ture and Re­cord, trans­lat­ed from the Ger­man of Ewald.



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