

Born: November, 30, 1817, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 26, 1883, South­sea, Hamp­shire, Eng­land.


Son of an apo­the­ca­ry at Tur­vey, Bed­ford­shire, God­frey was edu­cat­ed at St. Ca­tha­rine’s Col­lege, Cam­bridge (sum­ma cum laude, 1847).

He served as cur­ate of Swan­sea (1847–48) and Bid­den­ham, Bed­ford (1848–50). He re­signed in 1858 to be­come min­is­ter and per­pe­tu­al cur­ate at St. Bar­tho­lo­mew’s Tem­per­ance Church in Port­sea, Hamp­shire.

While at Port­sea, he was sus­pend­ed for three years for prac­tic­ing spir­it­ua­lism.


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