He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
Matthew 28:6
Words: GerÂard MoulÂtrie, Hymns and LyrÂics (London: JoÂseph MasÂters, 1867), pages 114–15. The 1872 HymÂnaÂry, numÂber 294, gives the hymn with a first line of Near the tomb where Christ hath been.
Music: ElÂlingÂham (GodÂfrey) NaÂthanÂiel S. GodÂfrey, 1881 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of GodÂfrey (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
At the tomb where Christ hath been,
Weeping waits the MagÂdaÂlene;
With the two disÂciÂples she
Wonders where the Lord can be.
Look they in: they see the bed
Where the Lord hath laid His head;
Where He slept so calm, so still,
Underneath His hoÂly hill.
Stooping down they see no more
Than the clothes which wrapped Him o’er,
Clothes which bound His feet, His brow,
Death’s white vestÂments, useÂless now.
They deÂpart: but love and faith
Stronger are than sight, than death;
At the tomb where Christ hath been
Watching waits the MagÂdaÂlene.
He was here: then she will wait,
Watching earÂly, watchÂing late;
Where her JeÂsus last was seen
There will wait the MagÂdaÂlene.
Look once more, O MaÂry! see,
Is it still the same to thee?
Clear the tears from off your sight—
Where was darkÂness, now is light!
Angel guards are sitÂting now
Clothed in raiÂment white as snow:
Shines their gloÂry through the shade
Where the form of Christ was laid.
He is risÂen! do not fear:
Your dear Lord abÂides not here,
See the place (wipe tears away)
Where the sleepÂing JeÂsus lay.
Turns she round: she sees Him stand
In the garÂden close at hand:
’Tis His acÂcent now:
It is Thou, ’tis Thou!