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William Griffiths



Born: 1777, Glan­dwr, Pem­broke­shire, Wales.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 5, 1825.


An in­de­pen­dent min­is­ter and teach­er, Will­iam was the se­cond son of John Grif­fiths (1731–1811).

He was edu­cat­ed at the school of one Mr. Foyle, at his fa­ther’s school, and at Ha­ver­for­dwest, Wales. He was ad­mit­ted to the Wrex­ham Aca­de­my Feb­ru­ary 2, 1795, and was an as­sist­ant there in his last year.

Griffiths was or­dained as joint min­is­ter with his fa­ther around 1803. He gained pro­mi­nence as a preach­er in both Eng­lish and Welsh.

He was very fond of writ­ing and trans­lat­ing hymns, sev­er­al of which are found in Y Ca­nie­dydd Cynulleid­faol New­ydd.

He was se­ri­ous­ly ill in 1809, again in 1824, and died the next year.




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