Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Words: William Griffiths (1777–1825).
Music: Come and See Carey Bonner (1859–1938) (🔊
If you know when the words or music were written, or where to get a good picture of Griffiths (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Who is this of whom ye tell?
Come and see.
Where among us doth He dwell?
Come and see.
He is Jesus Christ the Lord;
Son of God, by saints adored;
Dwells with those who keep His Word:
Come and see.
Can He help me? Can He heal?
Come and see.
Can He God to me reveal?
Come and see.
He can put your foes to flight;
He can make your darkness light;
He has everlasting might:
Come and see.
Hath He power to pardon sin?
Come and see.
Power to make me pure within?
Come and see.
On the cross He bled and died,
On the throne is glorified,
Hearts to cleanse and sins to hide:
Come and see.
Welcome thou shalt surely find:
Come and see.
Pardon purchased, sealed, and signed:
Come and see.
Be His name by Thee confessed;
In His Word of promise rest;
Thou in Him at once art blest:
Come and see.