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Scripture Verse

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Words: Will­iam Grif­fiths (1777–1825).

Music: Come and See Car­ey Bon­ner (1859–1938) (🔊 ).

If you know when the words or mu­sic were writ­ten, or where to get a good pic­ture of Grif­fiths (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Carey Bonner (1859–1938)
National Portrait Gallery



Who is this of whom ye tell?
Come and see.
Where among us doth He dwell?
Come and see.
He is Je­sus Christ the Lord;
Son of God, by saints ad­ored;
Dwells with those who keep His Word:
Come and see.

Can He help me? Can He heal?
Come and see.
Can He God to me re­veal?
Come and see.
He can put your foes to flight;
He can make your dark­ness light;
He has ev­er­last­ing might:
Come and see.

Hath He pow­er to par­don sin?
Come and see.
Power to make me pure with­in?
Come and see.
On the cross He bled and died,
On the throne is glo­ri­fied,
Hearts to cleanse and sins to hide:
Come and see.

Welcome thou shalt sure­ly find:
Come and see.
Pardon pur­chased, sealed, and signed:
Come and see.
Be His name by Thee con­fessed;
In His Word of pro­mise rest;
Thou in Him at once art blest:
Come and see.