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William A. Hawley



Born: Oc­to­ber 20, 1860, Camp­bell­ford (or Belle­ville), On­ta­rio, Ca­na­da.

Died: Au­gust 2, 1929, Cal­ga­ry, Al­ber­ta, Ca­na­da.

Buried: Burns­land Ce­me­te­ry, Cal­ga­ry, Ca­na­da.


By age 11, Haw­ley was the or­gan­ist at his lo­cal Me­tho­dist church in Camp­bell­ford, and was lead­ing the choir by age 16.

He stu­died me­di­cine brief­ly in To­ron­to, then went to the Con­ser­va­tory of Mu­sic in Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

He evi­dent­ly in­jured his hand, cut­ting short a pro­mis­ing mu­sic­al ca­reer, and he worked as a pi­ano tuner in­stead.

However, for sev­er­al years he served as or­gan­ist at the First Bap­tist Church in Char­lotte­town, Prince Ed­ward Is­land.

It was there he joined the Sal­va­tion Army (SA). He lat­er worked with the SA in Win­ni­peg and Cal­ga­ry, and wrote a num­ber of SA songs.



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