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Charles J. Herceg, Jr.



Born: 1952, Ches­ter, Penn­syl­van­ia.


Herceg gra­du­at­ed from Ches­ter High School in 1970. He at­tend­ed Bob Jones Uni­ver­si­ty, Green­ville, South Ca­ro­li­na, in 1972 and for one se­mes­ter in 1975.

He then trans­ferred to West Ches­ter State Teach­ers Col­lege and gra­du­at­ed with a teach­er cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in Health and Physical Edu­ca­tion. He lat­er at­tend­ed Chey­ney Uni­ver­si­ty, earn­ing a Tech­no­lo­gy Edu­ca­tion de­gree in 1984.

Herceg has sung in church choirs, in a quar­tet, and as a so­lo­ist at the Bi­ble for To­day Bap­tist Church, Col­lings­wood, New Jer­sey; Bar­ring­ton Com­mu­ni­ty Church, Bar­ring­ton, New Jer­sey; and Bell­mawr Bapt­ist Church, Bell­mawr, New Jer­sey.

