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Samuel Hinds




Born: 1793, Bar­ba­dos.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 7, 1872, Lon­don, Eng­land.


Son of Abel Hinds, Sam­uel was edu­cat­ed at Queen’s Col­lege, Ox­ford (BA 1815, DD 1831).

He was for some time Vice-Prin­ci­pal of St. Al­ban’s Hall, Mer­ton Col­lege, Ox­ford (1827), and al­so Prin­ci­pal of Cod­ring­ton Col­lege, Bar­ba­dos.

Returning to Eng­land, he served as vi­car of Yard­ley, Hert­ford­shire (1834–43).

He then went to Ire­land, and served as pre­ben­da­ry of St Pat­rick’s Ca­thed­ral, Dub­lin; in­cum­bent of the unit­ed par­ish­es of Cas­tle­knock, Clon­sil­la, and Mul­hud­dart; chap­lain to Arch­bi­shop Whate­ly (1845), the Earl of Bess­bo­rough, and the Earl of Clar­en­don when Lord Lieu­ten­ant of Ire­land; Dean of Car­lisle (1848), and Bi­shop of Nor­wich (1849).

Resigning his bi­shop­ric in 1857, he re­tired to Lon­don.



The Scoffer Rebuked

The man replied, Well, this is astonishing!
You do not know where He comes from,
and yet He opened my eyes!
John 9:30

Peace, babbler! is this wisdom thou dost teach?
Instructing simple folk, that Jesus wrought
No miracle, from God no message brought,
But that His servants childish fables preach!
Why herein is a marvel—This same tale
Hath swayed mankind near twice ten hundred years,
Triumphing over mortal hopes and fears.
Whence is it? Whereby doth it still prevail?
Before I communed with the Gospel-book,
I groped my way in darkness, like one born
Blind; now, into my inmost self I look;
Who hath dispelled my night and made it morn?
Thou know’st not whence it is? Then let me say,
It is the Light of Heav­en that causes day.

Samuel Hinds
Sonnets and Oth­er Short Po­ems, 1834



Help Needed

If you know Hinds’ bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?