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Scripture Verse

All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out. John 6:37


Samuel Hinds (1793–1872)

Words: Sam­uel Hinds, Son­nets and Oth­er Short Po­ems 1834 (verses 1–3) & Hen­ry J. Buck­oll, cir­ca 1843 (verse 4).

Music: Me­li­ta John B. Dykes, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861 (🔊 ).

John B. Dykes (1823–1876)


Lord, shall Thy child­ren come to Thee?
A boon of love di­vine we seek;
Brought to Thine arms in in­fan­cy,
Ere heart could feel, or tongue could speak,
Thy child­ren pray for grace, that they
May come them­selves to Thee to­day.

Lord, shall we come? and come again,
Oft as we see Thy ta­ble spread,
And to­kens of Thy dy­ing pain,
The wine poured out, the brok­en bread?
Bless, bless, O Lord, Thy child­ren’s pray­er,
That they may come and find Thee there.

Lord, shall we come? not thus alone
At ho­ly time, or so­lemn rite;
But eve­ry hour till life be flown,
Through weal or woe, in gloom or light,
Come to Thy throne of grace, that we
In faith, hope, love, con­firmed may be?

Lord, shall we come? come yet again?
Thy child­ren ask one bless­ing more:
To come, not now alone; but then
When life, and death, and time are o’er;
Then, then to come, O Lord, and be
Confirmed in Heav­en, con­firmed by Thee.