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Cyrus Hersell Hohgatt



Born: June 17, 1882, Sul­li­van, Il­li­nois.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 10, 1942, Il­li­nois. At the time of his death, he was re­port­ed­ly min­is­ter at the Shorb Ave­nue Church of Christ, Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.

Buried: Be­ment Ce­me­te­ry, Be­ment, Il­li­nois.



Cyrus was the son of Cy­rus Hen­ry Hog­gatt and Flo­rence Hamp­ton Creech.

He was pas­tor at the First Chris­tian Church in Mon­ti­cel­lo, Il­li­nois (1919–20), and worked with ev­an­gel­ist Bil­ly Sun­day for four years as a so­lo­ist, and four years as mu­sic di­rect­or.

For sev­er­al years, he was pre­si­dent of the Eu­gene School of the Bi­ble, Eu­gene, Ore­gon, and he found­ed the Breth­ren Church in Stoc­kton, Ca­li­for­nia.

He al­so taught mu­sic at Mil­li­kin Col­lege, De­ca­tur, Il­li­nois, and led wor­ship at the Cen­tral Chris­tian Church in De­ca­tur for ma­ny years.



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