

Born: Au­gust 17, 1841, Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Died: Ju­ly 16, 1916, Long­mea­dow, Mas­sa­chu­setts.


Holden helped found the Am­eri­can Guild of Or­gan­ists, and com­posed and ed­it­ed nu­mer­ous piec­es and col­lect­ions of sac­red mu­sic. Of these, his 1883 Songs of Faith, Hope and Love, is per­haps the best known.

Holden stu­died in New York Ci­ty, and served there as or­gan­ist of the Church of the Divine Pa­ter­ni­ty (Uni­ver­sal­ist) and of the Church of the Pu­ri­tans (Pres­by­ter­ian).


His sac­red so­lo In Hea­ven­ly Love Abid­ing was re­cord­ed by the Me­tro­po­li­tan Quart­et in 1919 on an Edi­son Blue Am­ber­ol cyl­in­der, num­ber 3813.

He also wrote:


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