

Born: March 29, 1925, Roc­ky Branch, Lou­isi­ana.

Died: Oc­to­ber 29, 2006, West Mon­roe, Lou­isi­ana.

Buried: Roc­ky Branch Ce­me­te­ry, Roc­ky Branch, Lou­isi­ana.


Alton was the son of Eli­sha John How­ard and Co­rine Smith, brother of Ver­na How­ard, and hus­band of Ma­mie Jean Mea­dor (mar­ried Ju­ly 3, 1949).

In World War II, he served in the 9th Air Force, fly­ing 12 mis­sions ov­er Ger­ma­ny as a gun­ner on a B-26 bomb­er.

He was a found­ing mem­ber, and for ov­er 40 years, an el­der of, White’s Fer­ry Road Church of Christ in West Mon­roe, Lou­isi­ana.

With his bro­ther, W. L. How­ard, he found­ed How­ard Bro­thers Jew­el­ers in 1946, and the How­ard Bro­thers Dis­count Stores and Mid-South De­vel­op­ment Com­pa­ny in 1959. In 1969, he es­tab­lished the How­ard Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny.

In 1984, with his son, John, he found­ed the Su­per Sav­er Whole­sale Ware­house Club. In 1967, he op­ened Camp Ch-Yo-Ca, a Chris­tian youth camp, which op­erat­ed un­til 2004.




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