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Frederick Charles Husenbeth



Born: May 30, 1796, Bris­tol, Eng­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 31, 1872, Cos­tes­sey, Nor­folk, Eng­land.


Frederick was the son of a Bris­tol wine mer­chant (emi­grat­ed from Mann­heim, Ger­ma­ny, to Eng­land), and a Miss James (from a Cor­nish fa­mi­ly).

A con­vert to Ca­tho­li­cism, he was sent at age se­ven to Sedg­ley Park School in Staf­ford­shire, and at four­teen en­tered his fa­ther’s count­ing-house.

Having re­solved, three years lat­er, to stu­dy for the priest­hood, he re­turned to Sedg­ley, go­ing af­ter­ward to Os­cott Col­lege, where he was or­dained by John Mil­ner in Feb­ru­ary 1820.

After serv­ing the Stour­bridge mis­sion, near Os­cott, for a time, he was sent to Cos­sey Hall, Nor­folk, as chap­lain to Sir George Staf­ford Jer­ningham, who be­came Bar­on Staf­ford in 1825. He took up his re­si­dence in a cot­tage in the vil­lage, and min­is­tered to the Ca­tho­lics of the mis­sion un­til with­in a few months of his death.

During this pe­ri­od of more than half a cen­tu­ry, he is said to have been ab­sent from his mis­sion on­ly on three Sun­days. Se­ven years af­ter his ap­point­ment to Cos­sey, he be­came grand vi­car un­der Bi­shop Walsh, suc­cessor of Bi­shop Mil­ner as vi­car Apos­tol­ic of the Mid­land Dis­trict.

In 1841 he op­ened St. Wul­stan’s Cha­pel, for which he had col­lect­ed funds, and in 1850 he re­ceived the de­gree of Doc­tor of Di­vi­ni­ty from Rome.

Shortly af­ter the res­to­ra­tion of the Eng­lish hier­ar­chy by Pope Pi­us IX, Hu­sen­beth was no­mi­nat­ed pro­vost of the Chap­ter of North­amp­ton, and Vi­car-Ge­ne­ral of the dio­cese. In the spring of 1872 he re­signed his mis­sion, and he died at St. Wul­stan’s Pres­by­te­ry on the last day of Oc­to­ber in the same year.





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