🡅 🡇 🞮

Jill Jackson-Miller



Born: Au­gust 25, 1913, Kan­sas Ci­ty, Mis­sou­ri. Her birth name was Ev­elyn Cow­an (some sourc­es give the fa­mi­ly name as Mer­chant). She was adopt­ed by the Jack­son fa­mi­ly at age 12.

Died: Ap­ril 2, 1995, Ho­no­kaa, Ha­wa­ii.


Jill moved to Hol­ly­wood, Ca­li­for­nia, around 1932. She act­ed in some 20 mo­vies, 1935–53 (in­clud­ing Three Stoog­es shorts), un­der the stage names of Har­lene Wood, Har­ley Wood & Jill Mar­tin.

She mar­ried twice, to Fe­lix Jacks­on and Sey­mour Mill­er (co-au­thor of Let There Be Peace on Earth).



Help Needed

If you know Jill’s bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?