

Born: Jan­ua­ry 27, 1839, St. Ag­nes, Corn­wall. Note: One en­grav­ing has a cap­tion that gives his mid­dle ini­tial as D, but we have not seen this ini­tial any­where else, nor any in­di­ca­tion that he had a mid­dle name.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 22, 1913, Thirsk, York­shire, Eng­land.

Buried: York Min­ster, York, Eng­land.



Educated pri­vate­ly, Ju­li­an gra­du­at­ed from Dur­ham Uni­ver­si­ty (MA 1887), Lam­beth (DD 1894), and How­ard Uni­ver­si­ty in Wash­ing­ton, DC (LLD 1894).

He took Ho­ly Or­ders in 1866, and served as vi­car of Win­co­bank (1876–1905) and Top­cliffe, York­shire (1905–).

However, Ju­li­an is best known as a hym­no­lo­gist. The stand­ard ref­er­ence work in this field is his mas­sive Dic­tion­ary of Hym­no­lo­gy: Ori­gin and His­to­ry of Chris­tian Hymns and Hymn­writ­ers of All Ag­es and Na­tions, To­ge­ther with Bio­gra­phi­cal and Cri­ti­cal No­tic­es of Their Au­thors and Trans­la­tors.

This work has been re­vised and re­print­ed sev­er­al times. Its pub­li­ca­tion dates in­clude:

Julian do­nat­ed his large col­lect­ion of hym­no­lo­gi­cal books and ma­nu­scripts to the Church House, Dean’s Yard, Lon­don, where it formed the hym­no­lo­gi­cal de­part­ment of the lib­ra­ry.


