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Scripture Verse

The King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God. 1 Timothy 1:17


John Julian (1839–1913)

Words: John Ju­li­an (1839–1913). Ap­peared in The Chor­al Hym­nal, ed­ited by Si­gis­mond La­sar (New York: Big­low & Main, 1888), num­ber 81.

Music: St. Bo­ni­face (Gads­by) Hen­ry R. Gads­by, 1875 (🔊 ).

Henry R. Gadsby


Hark! the voice eter­nal, robed in ma­jes­ty,
Caging in­to be­ing earth and sea and sky
Hark! in count­less num­bers all the an­gel throng
Hail cre­ation’s morn­ing with one burst of song.
High in re­gal glo­ry, ’mid eter­nal light,
Reign, O King im­mor­tal, ho­ly, in­fi­nite.

Bright the world and glo­ri­ous, calm both earth and sea,
Noble in its gran­deur stood man’s pur­ity;
Came the great trans­gress­ion, came the sad­den­ing fall,
Death and de­so­la­tion breath­ing ov­er all.
Still in re­gal glo­ry, ’mid eter­nal light,
Reigned the King im­mor­tal, ho­ly, in­fi­nite.

Long the na­tions wait­ed, through the trou­bled night,
Looking, long­ing, yearn­ing, for the pro­mised light.
Prophets saw the morn­ing break­ing far away,
Minstrels sang the splen­dor of that op­en­ing day;
Whilst in re­gal glo­ry, ’mid eter­nal light,
Reigned the King im­mor­tal, ho­ly, in­fi­nite.

Brightly dawned the ad­vent of the new­born King,
Joyously the watch­ers heard the an­gels sing.
Sadly closed the ev­en­ing of His hal­lowed life,
As the noon­tide dark­ness veiled the last dread strife
Lo! again in glo­ry, ’mid eter­nal light,
Reigns the King im­mor­tal, ho­ly, in­fi­nite.

Lo! again He com­eth, robed in clouds of light,
As the Judge eter­nal, armed with pow­er and might.
Nations to His foot­stool ga­thered then shall be;
Earth shall yield her trea­sures, and her dead, the sea.
Till the trum­pet sound­eth, ’mid eter­nal light
Reign, thou King im­mor­tal, ho­ly, in­fi­nite.

Jesus! Lord and Mas­ter, Pro­phet, Priest, and King,
To thy feet, tri­um­phant, hal­lowed praise we bring.
Thine the pain and weep­ing, Thine the vic­to­ry;
Power, and praise, and hon­or, be, O Lord, to Thee.
High in re­gal glo­ry, ’mid eter­nal light,
Reign, O King im­mor­tal, ho­ly, in­fi­nite.