Scripture Verse

On my bed I remember You; I think of You through the watches of the night. Psalm 63:6


Thomas Moore (1779–1852)

Words: Thomas Moore (1779–1852).

Music: Ves­per Hymn (Ste­ven­son) from A Se­lect­ion of Po­pu­lar Na­tion­al Airs, by John A. Ste­ven­son, 1818 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John A. Stevenson (1761–1833)


Hark! the ves­per hymn is steal­ing
O’er the wa­ters soft and clear;
Nearer yet and near­er peal­ing
Soft it breaks up­on the ear,
Jubilate! Ju­bi­late! Ju­bi­late! Amen!
Farther now and far­ther steal­ing
Soft it fades up­on the ear.

Now like moon­light waves re­treat­ing
To the shore it dies along;
Now like an­gry surg­es meet­ing
Breaks the min­gled tide of song.
Jubilate! Ju­bi­late! Ju­bi­late! Amen!
Hark! again like waves re­treat­ing
To the shore it dies along.

Once again sweet voic­es ring­ing
Louder still the mu­sic swells;
While on sum­mer breez­es wing­ing
Comes the chime of ves­per bells.
Jubilate! Ju­bi­late! Ju­bi­late! Amen!
On the sum­mer breez­es wing­ing
Fades the chime of ve­sper bells.